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7 pm - 8:30 pm



TUE. AUG 4TH, 2020

(Tue. Aug. 4th, 7 pm-8:30 pm, US EST & Canada)

(Wed. Aug. 5th, 8 am-9:30 am, Japan JST 日本時間)

Kingston Peace Conference 2020 was originally planned as a Hybrid Conferencing -

Live & Virtual.  The live roundtable discussion was supposed to be held at The Old Dutch Church, uptown Kingston, NY.  However because of the risks of infection of COVID-19,

it has been rerouted to a zoom conference only.

Please click the link for the the Youtube video for the conference

The video was recorded on Aug 4th at The Old Dutch Church, Kingston NY

Join us for the discussion to talk about the steps for

A Nuclear-Free-Future


        7:00   Opening

        7:05   Greetings and conference guidelines by Youko Yamamoto 

        7:10   PowerPoint Presentation by Manna Jo Greene

                    “Phasing Out Nuclear Power as we Rapidly Transition to a Renewable

                     Energy Economy”

        7:20   Discussion "Why do we need to abolish Nuclear?" 

        7:40   Q&A  

        7:50   Discussion "What can we do to take a step forward?"  

        8:10   Q&A 

        8:20   Action Agenda  

        8:30   Closing





Manna Jo Greene,


Clearwater’s Environmental Action Director since 2000, was formerly the Recycling Coordinator/Educator for the Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency for more than 10 years and a registered Critical Care Nurse for 22 years. She holds an AAS in Nursing, a BA in biology (pre-med) from SUNY/New Paltz, and completed course work toward a Masters in Environmental Sciences at Bard College. A lifelong environmental professional and community activist, Manna avidly supports collaborative land use planning and problem solving. Working to promote sustainable agriculture and green building and landscaping practices, she teaches communities how to integrate environmental preservation, economic prosperity (based on quality of life indicators), and social equity using effective communication. Manna also serves as Ulster County Legislator from District 19, Towns of Rosendale and Marbletown.  She Chairs the Energy and Environment and the Climate Smart Committees and the Solid Waste Planning Commission.

Alvin Konigsberg

Dr. Alvin S. Konigsberg is Professor Emeritus at SUNY- New Paltz. His career extended almost 50 years in the Departments of Physics and Geological Sciences. He taught and researched in areas of: natural resources and energy, including alternative energy; environmental impact assessment; and, atmospheric science and meteorology.

In his retirement, Prof. Konigsberg is leading workshops in Non Violent Communication and has been part of the team of facilitators for Circle of Friends for the Dying.


Patrick Sciarratta 

is an elected board member to the Global NGO Executive Committee, related to the United Nations Department of Global Communications (UNDGC).  For over two decades, he has acted as Editor of the NGO Reporter, a quarterly disseminated by the NGO DPI Executive Committee to thousands of UNDGC affiliates worldwide.  He is also Editor of Global Connections magazine, an extension of the United Nations Association in New York State. Patrick acts as Project Director for World Development Foundation programing at United Nations Headquarters; and is founder of the Vinculum Foundation in New York. 

Carmen Nicole Smith


is a professional dancer with years of experience leading outreach programs for diverse populations nationally and internationally.  Focused on the integration of social issues and creative movement, she was a cultural envoy to the Democratic Republic of Congo.  She has developed curriculum for teacher training programs and has taught dance educators in a variety of contexts.  Additionally, she has conducted research, monitoring and evaluation, and program planning for several NGOs.  Recently, she was an adjunct professor of dance at SUNY New Paltz and currently choreographs for Marist College.  She has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Empire State College and a master’s degree in international affairs from The New School. 



Carol Robins

Carol Robins had a career in non-profit management working in social services, education, government and the arts. She received her B.A. in French, European Studies and  Art History from UVM and an M.A. in Arts Administration from Indiana University. Carol spent two years in a small fishing village in Northern Japan and three years in Sendai, Japan. Both locations suffered from the same earthquake and tsunami that caused the meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.


Carol volunteered in the planning and execution of the first Bon-Odori Dance Festival for Peace and is excited to participate again 10 years later.


Rev. Dr. T. Kenjitsu Nakagaki


Rev. Dr. T. Kenjitsu Nakagaki is an ordained freelance Buddhist priest; a President/Founder of the Heiwa Peace and Reconciliation Foundation of New York; an Executive Officer/Former President of the Buddhist Council of New York; and a Hiroshima Peace Ambassador as well as Nagasaki Peace Correspondent.  

Since 1994, Rev. Nakagaki has organized an Interfaith Peace event to commemorate the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings in Manhattan to bring awareness of nuclear issues and to promote the peaceful world free from nuclear weapons. 

Fumi Johns Stewart

Fumi Johns Stewart is Executive Director of The World Peace Prayer Society promoting MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON EARTH activities worldwide. She was born in Tokyo, Japan and grew up with a sincere wish to bridge the two culture of her American and Japanese parentage.  She brought The Peace Pole Project out of Japan and assisted in opening the International Headquarters of May Peace Prevail On Earth International in the state of New York in 1988.  Fumi also serves as US liaison to sister organization, the Goi Peace Foundation of Japan. She currently lives in San Francisco and travels extensively to promote May Peace Prevail On Earth activities.


Donna coane


Donna Coane is a member of the Schaghticoke. She is the Lead Drummer, Singer, Song Writer and Producer: for the Native American Music Award winning all women's Drum Group Spirit of Thunderheart. Spirit of Thunderheart had won two Nammy's with three Nominations and received eleven awards from record company Spirit Wind Records.

Donna is a Traditional Northeastern Dancer, Teacher and Director.  Donna all so leads

the Women's Lodge.

Donna is a spokesperson and activist for environmental issues.

She is a Reiki Master, Spiritual Healer Traditional Healer, Life Coach, and Community Mediator.


Special Guest from Japan

Mayu Seto

Seto Mayu adores travel and her hometown. As a college student, she traversed the world three times on Peace Boat. She served as Youth Anti-Nuclear Special Ambassador in 2013. While studying in Ireland, she began writing songs and began performing in 2017. As a staff member of Social Book Café Hachidorisha, she plans andmanages events.

She launched the Unit Tsumugiya to study how to convey Hiroshima to visitors and employs field work and workshops to explore possibilities. She is studying how to preserve and use the Former Hiroshima Army Clothing Depot, an

atomic-bombed building.

Watch Zoom Meeting


Phone (845) 853-8111

For more information: email to

AUG. 4th, 2020 at The Old Dutch Church
Kingston NY

© 2020 by BON-ODORI DANCE FESTIVAL FOR PEACE website created by Sakura Kojima & Youko Yamamoto

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