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event calendar 2021

To join us online or live, check each event for details


The 11th Annual

Bon-odori Dance Festival for Peace (without dance)

AUGUST 7, 7-9:30 PM*

OUTDOOR MOVIE SCREENING 広島•長崎•福島被爆者追悼 映画上演会 English

We will celebrate our 11th annual peace festival by presenting three anti-nuclear movies at

T.R.Gallo Waterfront Park, 95 W Strand Street, Kingston, NY 12401

7-7:30   Opening Drum and Song by Spirit of Thunderheart  

7:30-8   Music Performance by Barely Lace  

8-8:15   Peace Speech by Debbie Brindis   

8:15-8:30  Prayer for the memorial of Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Fukushima by Youko Yamamoto  

8:30-8:40  Opening anime, 2015 Amber Cooper-Davis "The Nuclear Age in Six Movements"

8:40-9:20  Main feature, documentary, 2012 Robert Richter

                 "The Ultimate Wish/Ending The Nuclear Age"   

9:20-9:25  Closing anime, 2018 Amber Cooper-Davis "If You Love This Planet"  

9:25-   Sing along "Where have all the flowers gone"


Bring your chairs and insect repellent.  Please keep 6" social distance in mind.

The 10th Memorial of 3.11 

For the victims of Japan Tohoku Earthquake, Tsunami and the Meltdown of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

NY州での 3.11 十周年追悼イベント

*All times are EST (US Eastern Standard Time)

march 7, 1:30-2 PM*

Japan Choral Harmony

東日本大震災十周年 追悼コーラス Japanese

Zoom Chorus Performance as a part of “The 10th Memorial

of Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami”

Organized by Sayoko Takeda with Hokuhoku-kai


Join the live zoom singing performance “Hana wa Saku” and

“Inochi no Uta”


Contact: Misayoshi Ebato <>

Japan Choral Harmony

march 9-13, ALL DAY & night

video 'Spirit of Thunderheart'


English and Native Languages

Spirit of Thunderheart Performs the Cheyenne Round Dance at Marble

Community Center, Stone Ridge NY in May 2018.  This Video was done

after a professional Photo shoot for their third CD 'Tradition.' 

The Round Dance is done by Women and Men for Unity for all.  

Don't let it be too late.  Stop Nuclear Power Now!

Join the video:

Contact: Donna Coane <>

Spirit of Thunderheart

Save the earth for the children for they are our future.

Save the earth that feeds us all.

Save the animals, birds, fish, bees and insects for they are our environment.

Save our trees, they are our shade, fresh air and home to many earths’ inhabitants.

Save our sky, the air around us for it’s the air we and all of earth’s inhabitants breathe.   

Save our water, for water is life for us and all of earth’s inhabitants.

Most of all save and respect earth all that’s here on earth, without these; earth dies, we all die.


Don't let it be too late.  Stop Nuclear Power Now!

march 10, 11:30 am -12 PM

Radio show, 'Mochilero'

WKNY 1490 AM  107.9 FM 

ラジオ番組 English and Spanish

Zoom Radio Interview “10 Years After 3.11 Fukushima

Meltdown and Asian Americans”  

Hosted by Antonio Flores-Lobos, guest speaker: Youko Yamamoto


Join the radio show “Mochilero” on air and online

You can also join the live zoom stream on FB page:


Contact: Antonio Flores-Lobos <>

Radio Kingston

718 Broadway, Kingston NY 12401


march 10, 5-6:30 PM

Zoom Discussion

ズーム討論会 English

Zoom Discussion

“Reasons for Opposing Nuclear Power”

Organized by Bon-odori Dance Festival For Peace

Speaker: Donna Coanne, Youko Yamamoto, Ian

Calabrese and more.  Facilitator: Nancy Graham

Join the zoom discussion:


Meeting ID: 754 408 2665 Passcode: Peace2021


Contact: Youko Yamamoto <>
Bon-odori Dance Festival For Peace

129 Cornell Street, Kingston NY 12401

march 11, 5-5:10 PM

video - Folk Dances of the Northern peoples

を踊りつなぐ English and Japanese

This special video will premiere on Youtube on March 11, 2021 at 5 PM/

Medley of Folk Dances from Tohoku and Hokkaido, in remembrance of the 2011 Tohoku Tsunami and Earthquake, featuring the performance troupe of The Japanese Folk Dance Institute of NY

- Minbuza.

Join the Premier Youtube video 3/11 @5 PM:


Contact: Kevin Mooney

Minbuza Japanese Folk Dance Institute of NY
568 Grand Street, J-1206, New York, NY 10002

march 11, 8-9:30 PM

The peace Candle Ceremony 

ともしび会 東日本大震災十周年追悼式典 English and Japanese

Zoom Ceremony “3.11 Japan Tohoku Earthquake & Tsunami - 10th Year Commemoration”

Organized by Rev. Dr. TK Nakagaki with Heiwa Foundation of NY

and Keiichi Sugiura with Tomoshibi Project

Prepare two blue candles and join us for the live zoom ceremony:

ID:721 322 0635   Passcode:2021

You can also join the live stream on FB page:


Contact: Rev. Dr. TK Nakagaki <>

Heiwa Peace & Reconciliation Foundation of NY

35 Tulip Ave. #405, Floral Park, NY 11002-0405

march 11, 8-10 PM

Radio show, 'Drew’s Energy Radio'

WKNY 1490 AM  107.9 FM 

特別ラジオ番組 English

Zoom Radio Interview “Commemorating 10th memorial of 3.11 -

From Hiroshima & Nagasaki to Fukushima”

Hosted by Bryant drew Andrews, guest speaker: Youko Yamamoto


Join the live zoom radio show “Drew’s Energy Radio” on air and online

You can also join the live zoom stream on FB page:

Contact: Bryant drew Andrews <>

Radio Kingston

718 Broadway, Kingston NY 12401

march 13, 12-2 PM

the crane ceremony and Peace walk 

for fukushima 10 years after

鶴の慰霊祭とピースウォーク - 東日本大震災十周年追悼式典 English and Japanese


In-person ceremony: “The Crane Ceremony and Peace Walk for Fukushima 10 Years After”

Meeting at the old gate of Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant

Broadway at Bleakly Street in Buchanan, NY 10511

The ceremony starts at 12 PM - Bring your own paper

cranes (or use one of Jeanne's.)  There will be a

Peace Walk led by Jun-san after the ceremony

- about one hour walk to the Peekskill Riverfront.

Organized by Jeanne Shaw and supported by Jun-san


Contact: Jeanne Shaw <

Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition (IPSEC) and

United for Clean Energy (U4CE)


Nipponzan Myohoji, Grafton Peace Pagoda
87 Crandall Road, Petersburgh, NY 12138

march 8-13, all day & Night

VIDEO - 'tOGETHER' by vanaver caravan 

バナバー•キャラバンからのビデオメッセージ English 

On August 6th, 2020, The Vanaver Caravan's SummerDancers (young adults, ages 8 - 16) journeyed to the historic quarry sculpture, Opus 40, to explore what it feels like to reconnect to nature, ourselves, and each other. Music: “Baby Mine” by Natalie Merchant.

We are working together for our future.

Join the Youtube video:


Contact: Livia Vanaver <>

Vanaver Caravan

10 Main Street, Suite 322, New Paltz, NY, 12561



All events are organized by the not-for-profit organizations

We accept your donation with great appreciation.


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